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WiPN Announces Retirement Plan Industry Study of Gender Workplace Issues

The Women in Pensions Network (WiPN), a nonprofit organization with a network of more than 5,500 subscribers in the retirement plan industry, has partnered with leading research firm Escalent and research sponsors T. Rowe Price and Resources Investment Advisors, a One Digital Company to study the progress of women in the retirement plan industry.  Acknowledging that women continue to be underpaid and underrepresented in the retirement plan industry, the groundbreaking proprietary research survey will focus on women’s experiences, attitudes, and compensation in the industry.

“WiPN serves a need in the retirement plan industry to promote the professional growth and advancement of women and we believe an in-depth exploration of how to bring more women into the field, what keeps women from joining or advancing, how different classes of women experience the industry, and how compensation differs or grows are prime areas of study,” says Daniella Moiseyev, WiPN’s President. “We are honored to work with Escalent, T. Rowe Price and One Digital to develop this important, groundbreaking initiative.”  Results of the survey will be released in the first quarter of 2021.

Women in the retirement plan industry who wish to participate in the survey may visit https://www.womeninpensionsnetwork.org/

About Women in Pensions Network

The Women in Pensions Network (WiPN) is the premier non-profit organization committed to the professional development of women in the retirement plan industry. Founded in 2009 and sponsored by leading firms that recognize the value that women’s voices bring to the workplace, WiPN has more than 1,300 members and 32 regional chapters around the country. WiPN members represent all segments of the retirement industry, all levels of career leadership, and all providers (recordkeepers, TPAs, DCIOs, BDs, ERISA attorneys) as well as financial investment advisors.

About Resources Investment Advisors, a One Digital Company

Resources Investment Advisors, a One Digital Company, is a group of financial advisors sharing resources to the benefit of investors. Their connected offices share ideas, tools and talent helping advisors grow through collaboration and innovation. They are a firm sponsor of Women in Pensions Network and a first sponsor of this groundbreaking study.

About Escalent

Escalent is a top human behavior and analytics firm specializing in industries facing disruption and business transformation. Together with its Cogent division, Escalent tells stories that transform data and insights into a profound understanding of what drives human beings.

About T. Rowe Price

Rowe Price demonstrates financial strength as a global asset manager with more than $1T under management. Their stable leadership and more than 7,000 diverse employees maintain a presence in over 16 countries. They are a firm sponsor of Women in Pensions Network and a first sponsor of this groundbreaking study.

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